Author + improvisor
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Improvising Adulthood


What I Wish Someone Had Told Me

Animated people onstage performing improv comedy

Author Amanda Hirsch in an improv show with her husband and favorite scene partner, Jordan Hirsch.

IMPROVISING ADULTHOOD is a warm and lively guide to applying the lessons of improv comedy to create a meaningful adult life. Gift it to the young people you know who are just embarking on adulthood, and read it yourself for an inspiring new way to approach making decisions about how you work and live.

In her 20s, author Amanda Hirsch thought something must be wrong with her: why couldn’t she just do her job, pay her bills, and be happy? But something inside her wanted more. After making a series of unique choices and carving her own path as a creative soul, change maker, and entrepreneur, Hirsch is now in her 40s, and has people asking her for tips on how to live a more purpose-driven life.

She wants everyone to know that just like an improv show, life is ours to create, one choice at a time.