And now, a word about Amazon…
February 24, 2025
Hey everyone,
You might find it ethically challenging to purchase my new book, Improvising Adulthood, from Amazon, especially right now. I get it. For years, I’ve gone out of my way in my personal life to avoid buying from them; I buy all my books via, another indie site, or my local independent bookstore.
Unfortunately, as an author, boycotting Amazon is like putting on a play behind a curtain, and forgetting to open the door to the theater. What’s more, how your book performs during its first 30 days on Amazon is key to its long-term success (read: how much visibility it gets on the site), so all the advice I’ve gotten is to sell exclusively on Amazon during this initial period.
I wish the book industry didn’t work this way, but for now, it does.
I’ve poured so much of myself into this book and want it to reach as many people as possible, especially overwhelmed young people just starting out. If you can focus on the “good” of supporting me as an artist and helping more people experience the inspiration that I believe this book offers — rather than the “blech” of supporting Jeff Bezos — I would be so appreciative.
And if you can’t, I understand, and please know that starting in late March, you’ll be able to buy the book in all your (and my) favorite indie places.
Thanks for reading,
P.S. One friend couldn’t bring herself to buy from Amazon, but gave the book a shout-out on social media. If this feels comfortable for you, please know I’d appreciate it very much!
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“You are the sky. Everything else — it’s just the weather.”