Improvising Adulthood

What I Wish Someone Had Told Me

Hi, I’m Amanda, and I’m so glad you found my little corner of the internet :).

Photo of Amanda Hirsch standing outside with fall trees behind her

I’m writing this while sitting on my couch in front of a space heater, snow covering the ground outside my window here in New York’s Hudson Valley. I realize this scene is at odds with the picture at right, which I took last fall. And who knows: you might be reading this in the middle of the spring or summer.

Seasons, amiright?!

Moving right along…

This website is mostly a home for information about my books, Improvising Adulthood and Feeling My Way, and a place to sign up for my newsletter. I also run a storytelling company, Mighty Forces, that you might want to check out.

…Or not! Maybe you have snow to shovel/leaves to roll around in/flowers to smell/mosquitos to swat.

Whatever your plans, I wish you a wonderful day.

Join my list!

some people
when they hear
your story.
upon hearing
your story.
this is how
— Nayyirah Waheed